Kyla Weber Age: Who Is Vince Vaughn’s Wife? Net Worth, Children, and BIO

Kyla Weber, the wife of Hollywood actor Vince Vaughn, has been a constant presence in the spotlight since their marriage in 2010. While Vaughn’s name lights up marquees, it’s Weber’s quiet luminescence that captures the essence of their enduring partnership.

In this detailed article, we delve into the life of Kyla, exploring her early life, career, family life, love life, physical stats, net worth, and public profile.

Early Life in Okotoks, Canada

Kyla Weber was born on July 1, 1979, in Okotoks, Alberta, Canada. Her early life was marked by a strong sense of family and community, which would later influence her professional endeavors. Weber’s parents, Ken Weber, played a significant role in shaping her values and work ethic. Her upbringing in the heart of Canada’s prairie land instilled in her a sense of resilience and adaptability, essential qualities for her future success.

Kyla Weber career

Kyla’s professional path initially diverged from the glitz of showbiz. She honed her skills in the Calgary real estate market, where her sharp business acumen and keen eye for value quickly distinguished her. Working at New Home Living in Cimarron, she garnered a reputation for excellence in buying and selling properties, amassing not just wealth but also respect within the industry.

Kyla Weber Wiki/Bio

Full NameKyla Weber
Date of BirthJuly 1, 1979
Age45 years old (as of June 2024)
Place of BirthOkotoks, Alberta, Canada
ParentsKen Weber (Father)
SpouseVince Vaughn (m. 2010)
ChildrenLocklyn Kyla Vaughn (daughter, born December 2010)
Vernon Lindsay Vaughn (son, born August 2013)
Height5 feet 5 inches
Weight55 kg
Eye ColorBlue
Hair ColorDark Brown
OccupationRealtor, Former Manager at New Home Living in Cimarron
Net WorthApproximately $850,000
EducationDetails not publicly disclosed
Instagram kylaweber

Career as a Realtor in Calgary

Kyla Weber’s ascent in the real estate realm began in Calgary, Alberta, where she demonstrated a natural knack for the intricacies of property transactions. Her tenure at New Home Living in Cimarron solidified her standing as a trusted realtor known for her diligence and client-centric approach. Whether navigating the complexities of residential sales or advising on investment opportunities, Weber’s commitment to delivering exceptional service set her apart in Calgary’s competitive market.

Kyla Weber is the wife of Vince Vaughn
Kyla Weber is the wife of Vince Vaughn

The move to Los Angeles marked a pivotal shift in Kyla’s career trajectory, coinciding with her marriage to Vince Vaughn in 2010. While accompanying Vaughn to Hollywood, Kyla seamlessly integrated into the city’s bustling real estate scene. Despite the allure of Hollywood’s glitz, she remained steadfast in her professional pursuits, leveraging her experience and network to navigate high-profile transactions.

Meeting Vince Vaughn

In a serendipitous twist of fate, Kyla Weber’s path intersected with Vince Vaughn’s at a mutual friend’s wedding, marking the beginning of their journey together. Vaughn, already a prominent figure in Hollywood known for his wit and charm, found in Kyla a kindred spirit whose grounded nature complemented his own. Their initial connection blossomed into a romance that transcended the spotlight, characterized by mutual respect and shared values.

Marriage to Vince Vaughn

The union between Kyla and Vince Vaughn in January 2010 captured the attention of fans and media alike. The wedding, held in a private ceremony, symbolized their commitment to building a life together away from the glare of paparazzi lenses. Despite Vaughn’s celebrity status, the couple has maintained a low-key approach to their relationship, prioritizing privacy while nurturing their growing family.


The arrival of children further enriched Kyla and Vince’s lives, grounding their bond in the shared joys of parenthood. In December 2010, they welcomed their first child, Locklyn Kyla Vaughn, into the world. The addition of Locklyn was followed by the birth of their son, Vernon Lindsay Vaughn, in August 2013. As parents, Kyla and Vince are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment for their children, shielding them from the trappings of fame while instilling values of compassion and integrity.

Locklyn Kyla Vaughn: A Joyful Addition

Locklyn Kyla Vaughn, born on a winter’s day in December, instantly became the pride and joy of her parents. Her arrival brought a new dimension of love and responsibility into Kyla and Vince’s lives, inspiring them to create a harmonious home environment amidst the whirlwind of Hollywood.

Kyla Weber with her husband and kids
Kyla Weber with her husband and kids

Vernon Lindsay Vaughn: Welcoming a Son

The birth of Vernon Lindsay Vaughn in the late summer of 2013 completed Kyla and Vince’s family circle. His presence added a lively energy and deepened the familial bond, solidifying their commitment to nurturing a close-knit household anchored in love and stability.

Love Life

Before meeting Weber, Vaughn was in a high-profile relationship with actress Jennifer Aniston. While their relationship garnered significant media attention, it ultimately ended. Weber’s arrival in Vaughn’s life brought a sense of stability and normalcy, allowing him to focus on his family and career.

Kyla Weber height

Kyla and Vince’s love story unfolds like a classic Hollywood script, characterized by genuine affection and shared experiences. Their relationship blossomed organically, rooted in mutual admiration and a deep emotional connection. Despite the challenges of maintaining privacy in the public eye, Kyla and Vince have cultivated a partnership built on trust and understanding, weathering the highs and lows of life together with grace and resilience.

Kyla and Vince’s Enduring Partnership

Weber and Vaughn’s love story is a shining example of the power of true love. Despite the challenges that come with being in the public eye, the couple has maintained a strong and loving relationship. Their partnership is built on mutual respect, trust, and a deep understanding of each other’s needs.

Physical Stats

Standing at 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing approximately 55 kilograms, she presents a poised presence complemented by her striking blue eyes and dark brown hair. These physical attributes not only enhance her appearance but also reflect her approachable demeanor and genuine warmth.

Net Worth

Estimating Weber’s financial standing reveals a prudent approach to wealth management alongside her successful career. With an approximate net worth of $850,000, she has accrued financial stability through astute investments and strategic decisions in real estate.

This figure underscores her proficiency in navigating both the Calgary and Los Angeles markets, demonstrating a savvy understanding of property valuation and market trends.

Social Media Presence

Weber is active on social media platforms, where she shares glimpses into her personal and professional life. Her Instagram profile is a testament to her love for her family and her passion for real estate.

Kyla Weber’s engagement on social media platforms offers insights into her personal life and professional endeavors. While maintaining a measured presence, she leverages platforms like Instagram to share glimpses of family moments and professional achievements. Her approach underscores a commitment to authenticity and discretion, aligning with her preference for privacy despite her association with a high-profile celebrity spouse.

Public Image

Weber’s public image is that of a private and down-to-earth celebrity spouse. Her dedication to her family and her career has earned her a reputation as a strong and supportive partner. Kyla Weber is more than just the wife of Vince Vaughn; she is a successful realtor, devoted mother, and loving partner.

Her life is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and the importance of finding the right partner. As we delve deeper into her life, it becomes clear that Weber is a shining star in her own right, deserving of recognition and admiration.